Setting the stage:
It’s May, 2020. I’m still putting this site together, and I create my “about me” page and read through the ‘graphs I wrote weeks ago. Things about how I have been disconnected from my body and how I’m trying to do better, and I get a hit from that same body saying: “Psst. I’m thirsty.”
I keep working and finessing, because, let’s be honest, I have a real fear of doing things wrong. Like… all the things. Including my own “about me” page.
Several minutes go by and my body says, “Yo. Thirsty. Now.” And I still don’t get up to get water! I figure out how to make a gif on my iPhone (with very little help from my Google searches, btw. For those who want to know, it’s in the Shortcuts app that comes on the phone.) and continue along my business.
Several more minutes go by. It’s probably been an hour by now, and I’m still sitting at my computer NOT DRINKING WATER.
Another ping: “DUDE. WATER!”
It took three tries for my body to get through to me that it needed something. Three tries and a long time.
All that to say, I definitely don’t know what I’m doing. But I’m going to keep trying. That’s kind of the point, right?
Adding “learn to listen” as #1 on my list.
For the record, I finally got my body some water.
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